
Blue Willow and Blue and White Umbrella Stands

Blue and White Chinoiserie Umbrella Stands
Blue and White Chinoiserie Umbrella Stands

I found my umbrella stand, but since a lot of people read my post about looking for it, I am adding the new ones I have found since. If you have umbrellas dripping by every door, or if you always wish you had remembered an umbrella, this post is for you.

Blue Willow Pagoda Umbrella Stand
Blue Willow Pagoda Umbrella Stand

This umbrella stand is not exactly Blue Willow, but it has the same pagodas and willow tree. As well as some other things. So, it’s the same universe, different story.

Blue Willow Pagoda Umbrella Stand on Amazon
Blue and White Pagoda Umbrella Stand on Amazon

Blue and White Chinoiserie Landscape Umbrella Stands
Blue and White Chinoiserie Landscape Umbrella Stands

These landscapes are just beautiful. Very stylized detailed Asian scenes with mountains, trees and houses. They come in two heights, 20″ high and 24″ high.

Blue and White Chinoiserie Landscape Umbrella Stands in two sizes on Amazon

Blue & White Porcelain Landscape Umbrella Stand
Blue & White Porcelain Landscape Umbrella Stand

I still absolutely love this one. If it cost less, I would so buy it even though I really don’t need another umbrella holder. It comes in two sizes, although the photos are the same.

Blue and White Dragon Umbrella Stands
Blue and White Dragon Umbrella Stands

These dragon umbrella stands also come in two 20″ high and 24″ high. The photos they use are the same, though.

Blue and White Dragon Umbrella Stands
Blue and White Dragon Umbrella Stands

Blue and White Dragon Umbrella Stands on Amazon
Blue and White Dragon Umbrella Stands on Amazon
Blue and White Dragon Umbrella Stands on Amazon
Blue and White Dragon and Pearl Umbrella Stands on Amazon

Blue and White Chinoiserie Floral Umbrella Stands
Blue and White Chinoiserie Floral Umbrella Stands

There are two variations with this Chinoiserie Floral pattern. One come in two heights, 20″ high and 24″ high.

Blue and White Chinoiserie Floral Umbrella Stands on Amazon
Blue and White Chinoiserie Floral Umbrella Stands on Amazon
Blue and White Chinoiserie Floral Umbrella Stands on Amazon
Blue and White Chinoiserie Floral Umbrella Stands on Amazon
Blue and White Chinoiserie Floral Umbrella Stands on Amazon

Orange, Blue and White Chinoiserie Floral Umbrella Stands
Orange, Blue and White Chinoiserie Floral Umbrella Stands

This variation of the floral pattern also comes in two heights. It has the cobalt blue on white, with an orange/red for the chrysanthemums.

Orange, Blue and White Chinoiserie Floral Umbrella Stands on Amazon
Orange, Blue and White Chinoiserie Floral Umbrella Stands on Amazon

My earlier posts: Blue and White Umbrella Stands >
Blue Willow Umbrella Stand >

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