
Blue and White Chinoiserie Wall Pockets and Wall Vases

Wall pockets have been around for centuries. You can find antique examples on eBay or new versions on Amazon. They are available in every color and style you can think of, but my favorites are the Blue Willow and the blue and white chinoiserie.

There are a wide variety of shapes. Wider more shallow shapes are ideal to hold a plant, especially ivy. Cone shaped wall pockets and wall-mountable vases can hold fresh or preserved flowers.

Small Blue Willow Wall Pocket

Wall pockets with a wide top are perfect to hold a potted plant. This example is my favorite, with a traditional Blue Willow scene.

Cobalt Blue Chinoiserie Wall Pocket Planter

Many wide ceramic wall pockets have two holes to suspend the piece level and stable.

A wall pocket is ideal to hold English ivy or philodendron.

Blue Willow Cone Wall Pocket

This modified cone wall pocket has a flat part on the back, but doesn’t lay as flat against the wall as others. Pieces of the Blue Willow story are illustrated in the panels on three sides.

Blue and White Floral Chintz Cone Wall Pocket

This cone-shaped wall pocket has a flared top, ideal to hold a bunch of flowers. The traditional blue chintz rose pattern has a clear glaze.

Blue and White Floral Envelope Wall Pocket

I had an envelope shaped wall pocket by my front door to hold outgoing mail.

Blue and White Chinoiserie Flat Back Wall Vases

You can find reproduction chinoiserie vases in every shape designed to hang on the wall.

Wall Mount Vase with Flat Back and Hanger

The back is flat with a keyhole hanger.

You’ve most likely seen a keyhole hanger before, but if not, it is a hole big enough to slide over a screw. Then when it hangs, the top of the hole is smaller than the head of the screw so the piece doesn’t fall off. You can use a thin piece of plastic behind the vase and some teflon tape around the screw so you can tighten it up a little without breaking the porcelain.

Chinoiserie Wall Mount Vase

This gives a better idea what a hanging wall vase looks like.

The back and bottom of these vases are flat.

The back is flat to go against the wall. Often the bottom is flat, too.

Chinese Blue and White Wall Mounted Porcelain Vases on Amazon
Small Blue and White Porcelain Vase Wall-Mounted Vases on Amazon
5.5″ high Chinese Blue and White Wall Mounted Porcelain Vases on Amazon
6″ high Chinese Blue and White Wall Mounted Porcelain Vases on Amazon

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